“Committee Kurrollu” is a village drama that has been making waves in recent days. Produced by Niharika Konidela and directed by Yedhu Vamsi, the film features newcomers in lead roles and tells the story of a group of friends who reunite for their village’s Ammoru Jatara festival after a 12-year gap.
The film’s performances are noteworthy, with Sai Kumar delivering a standout performance as the village head. The supporting cast, including Goparaju Ramana and Lakshmi, also shine in their roles. The newcomers, particularly Sandeep Saroj, Tinath Varma, Easwar Rachiraju, and Yashwanth Pendyala, deliver impressive performances.
Anudeep Dev’s music is a major asset, evoking childhood memories and perfectly complementing the film’s background score. Raju Edurolu’s cinematography captures the rural atmosphere beautifully, while the production design and artwork enhance the story.
Director Yedhu Vamsi deserves praise for crafting a narrative that resonates with different age groups. The film’s portrayal of authentic characters and its ability to evoke nostalgia and humor make it a standout. While the second half falters slightly, the film’s relatable moments and strong emotions make it a worthwhile watch.
Overall, “Committee Kurrollu” is a feel-good village drama with impressive performances and a memorable storyline. With its authentic characters and nostalgic value, it’s a great choice for a weekend watch with friends.